Sunday, July 13, 2008

6 Weeks Old

6 weeks!

Josie is six weeks (and 1 day) old! New developments include smiling (at us, rather than just randomly) and, slightly less enchantingly, an increase in spitting up. I have also noticed that Josie seems to be losing some of her hair, particularly on the top of her head, which, in contrast to the inch long brown hair from her crown to her nape, gives her a male-pattern balding meets mullet look that is a bit peculiar on our tiny girl. . .

So alert.

In other news, Scott went back to work full-time last Monday, so J. and I just finished our first week as a mother-daughter duo, and things have gone quite well, much to my relief.

Dynamic Duo?

Josie mirrors Grandma Maas.

Mom came for a visit on Monday, and that evening we had dinner with the Minnetrista branch of the family. Dilly has very much become her own person, and is testing her boundaries with her parents.

Dilly in her own world.

Buster, on the other hand, is mostly testing his lungs, in a rather delightful way. (He may be squealing, but hey, he's so HAPPY to be making noise!) Josie slept through the whole event, providing scale for her rapidly growing cousins.

Becks and Buster looking winsome.

It's exciting to be getting back out into the world, after more than a month of sticking pretty close to home. The weather, which has been oppressively humid and hot, has finally broken, giving way to gorgeous sunny days. I'm looking forward to all sorts of adventures with my baby daughter!

What do you suppose she's thinking about?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What precious baby!! Thanks for posting pictures of her as well as other assorted babies. An out of state feller just can't get enough, j'know?

Love youse all munch -


PS - Re: picture 4: would that make her a Grandmaas?

6:08 AM  
Blogger Lemony said...

GrandMaas. Probably. I told her that if Dilly wanted to call her Grandma instead of Damma, she had to let Damma go. . . but maybe GrandMaas will stick? Who knows...

When are you going to come see this baby?


11:25 AM  
Blogger Marlys Hesch Sebasky said...

Aw, Lemony, I LOVE these new the Dynamic Duo!
Too bad my most vocal sister hasn't met Josetta yet--perhaps by the time J graduates?


11:34 PM  

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