Saturday, August 23, 2008

Driving Miss Josie–3 Months!

Josie has been making the rounds again, and catching a lot of live music. Highlights of the past few weeks include a Mother Banjo/ Carrie Elkin house concert at Ellen's, cousin Mason's christening, (which included a huge schmeckle-fest with Noona, who visited for several days), Josie's first trip to the Minnesota State Fair and a Mother Banjo/ Jaspar Lepak concert at the Lake Harriet Bandshell. At the fair Josie caught the Brass Kings, Becky Schlegel, and the first three songs of Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. I have some video on my phone of Josie kicking her feet in delight at the Brass Kings show, but it's pretty poorly lit, so I don't think it will get posted here. Enjoy, instead, these pix of Josie and her adoring public.

Josie with Mother Banjo and Carrie Elkin.

Operation "Universal Adoration" is go.

Avoiding rickets at Minnehaha Falls.

Admiring Tamar's lovely summer frock at the Lake Harriet bandshell.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

9 Weeks

We went to Josie's 2 month check up last Thursday, and everything appears to be going well. At 12 lbs, 15 oz, she is in the 93rd percentile for weight, and her length, 23 1/4", puts her in the 83rd percentile for height. The Doctor also remarked that Josie seems very strong, as she can hold her head up for long periods of time, and likes to "stand". In celebration of her excellent progress, I dressed her in the dragon suit we bought at the ECFE garage sale this spring before she was born (which she will surely outgrow any second now!)

Super cute in the dragon suit.

We have been getting out a lot lately, and on Saturday ventured to Amery, Wisconsin, where Josie met her Great Grandma Renee for the first time, as well as a handful of Great Aunts, three regular Aunts, and a passel of cousins. We had a nice time.

Cuddling with Great Aunt Marcia.

Fast asleep in Aunt Anna's arms.

Then, on Sunday we brunched with friends in St. Paul, and Miss Josephine got to meet M and Zetty, who showered her with loving attention, much to her, their, and our delight.

Zetty and M audition for future babysitting gigs.