Okay, Okay.
So it's been well over a month since I last posted anything here. I understand that some of you think that's too long, and consider me lazy. But only think about all the things that I've accomplished in the meantime!
1. Finished the in-class coursework for my Graphic Design major. (It gets added to my BFA from 1998.)
2. Graduated with my Applied and Rhetorical Writing BA (cum laude, I might add.)
3. Planted my vegetable garden and flowerpots. (Oh believe me, pictures will be forthcoming)
4. Visited Noonie in Chicago. Much boompsing and fooling was had.
5. Ran 23 miles straight after planning to run 20. (I didn't choose the route!) Yes, I am training for Grandma's. And also the Twin Cities marathon. I'm crazy that way.
6. Had inserted and promptly broke a Transpalatal Arch (I've had a TPA once before in the course of my orthodontia. Apparently the first one stretched the 'lingual tube' [little holder attached to the inside of the band on my upper first molars] on the right enough so that the TPA kept popping loose on that side. While I was at work, talking to customers. Laugh Riot. I tried to bend the wire a little to make it stay and it broke immediately.) Yes, I know it was dumb. One ought not to take orthodontia into one's own hands. There was a positive outcome to all of this, though. When I went in to have the first molar bands replaced in order to have non-stretched lingual tubes, I was treated by a stand-in orthodontist who decided to hyperextend my upper arch wire this time, and install the TPA next time. Since the TPA is kind of a pain (imagine a paper clip crammed across your upper palate...now imagine trying to get Japanese seaweed salad out of it...) this was a welcome reprieve.
7. Had a fun evening with Dilly while Sugie and Becks were out for dinner. (That little girl likes rhubarb crisp!)
Anyway, my point is that I have not just been sitting on my dupa ignoring my duties here. Well, maybe a little. But I'll try to be better. Especially when I have so much to share with you about my garden, including the glories of my seven tomato plants and the scourge of fourlined plant bugs that are trying to decimate my herb garden. Stay tuned!